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タイトル New Laws of Chess 6.2b (タイム・ディレイ)
投稿日: 2005/03/12(Sat) 19:36


The time saved by a player during one period is added to his time available 
for the next period, except in the 'time delay' mode.


In the time delay mode both players receive an allotted 'main thinking time'. 
Each player also receives a 'fixed extra time' with every move. The countdown 
of the main time only commences after the fixed time has expired. Provided the 
player stops his clock before the expiration of the fixed time, the main 
thinking time does not change, irrespective of the proportion of the fixed 
time used.

(すいません、FIDEのホームページが現在アクセス不能で参照先を示せません。(^^;) )

The time delay mode (also called Bronstein mode) differs from the Fischer mode 
in that your clock only starts counting down after a fixed time, so you never 
get extra time when you complete your move with less time than this fixed time. 

For instance, if you have "T" seconds left before making a move, with a "I" s 
delay and you take "S" seconds to make your move: 
- if S <= I, you will still have T seconds left 
- if S > I, you will have (T+I-S) seconds left 
So your thinking time never increases, no matter how fast you play. 

In contrast, with Fischer mode and an increment of I seconds per move, you 
would always end with T+I-S, so your thinking time increases if S < I. 

As far as I know, this time delay mode is not very frequent in tournaments, 
except maybe in the US.


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